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Our aim is to bring UK based Heathen Kindreds, moots and groups together for the benefit of all those who follow our faith. This will be a place where we can share customs and values as well as events and projects. Most important we will serve as a directory, so solitary Heathens can find their local Kindred.

We are not here to create rules and tell people how to practice. All Kindreds have different traditions and customs, as well as different organisational structures, and this diversity is a strength. The only thing that is required of member Kindreds is that they are inclusive, and do not discriminate against anyone on the basis of race, gender, sexuality or disability. We also ask that conversation on this group is polite and respectful.

Each member Kindred can appoint two members to this group to represent them. This way all Kindreds have equal voting rights. All major decisions will be taken by a majority vote. Current members will be given the opportunity to raise any concerns or objections to new Kindreds who wish to join.

Welcome to the Confederation of Heathen Kindreds, may the Gods look favourably upon our endeavours.

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